My Confirmation Day

I’ve been posting this photo from 1987 on my social media a lot lately because I think it contextualizes everyone involved in my past and present. I feel like it cuts across a few different generations, and kind of exposes the fault lines beneath the tectonic plates of familial associations. If you know, you know. People that were complicit know, and people that weren’t surely do now, too.

In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr, what we will remember most is not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

L-R: My dad (murdered in 2010 by defibrilator installed by Robert Mannino of Saint Francis Hospital in Long Island, NY) Andrea Gold (then girlfriend of my Nazi uncle, Eugene Biedermann), Candice Nagle (Eugene’s daughter and my 1st maternal cousin), John R. Biedermann, my uncle (murdered in 2013 by radioactive waste fed to him at Glengariff Facility in Long Island, NY), John Biedermann, my maternal grandfather, me, my mother (organ harvested, then poisoned and murdered in 2018 by Northwell Health and Long Island Jewish hospitals), Elaine Shine (my maternal aunt), Bill Shine (the late husband of Elaine), Jacqueline Ruiz Biedermann, (Eugene’s daughter & my 2nd maternal cousin.) Photographer: Eugene Biedermann, my maternal uncle.

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