Never a Dull Moment

Tuesday morning

Basically I became friendly over the weekend with Irene’s buddy George and this morning, at the bus terminal, waiting for the free bus to the soup kitchen, she broke her silent treatment of me to come up to me and warn me, in no uncertain terms, to stay away from the both of them when they are together.

“I didn’t come up to the two of you together – we’re just friends, he’d come up to me, it’s not like that, I just wanted to be near you guys at night because there’s safety in numbers….” none of my replies placated her.

“We’re a couple”, she told me. “He’s not interested in white girls. Stay away from us.” I basically told her she had nothing to worry about there.

I had a few moments to understand what had happened – when I didn’t let her treat me like she was HBIC on Sunday and checked her, telling her not to criticize me and basically mind her own business (albeit nicely), she decided if she couldn’t be a mom-like figure to me, she’d rather not be friends with me at all. Then I became friendly with her guy friend and she saw red. Now she wants me out of her orbit altogether.

Oh well. Now I’m back to staying at bus stops by myself. As imperfect as we all are as human beings, I preferred their company to others around here due to the fact that they’re just trying to endure, stay positive, and they don’t use drugs or alcohol. But hell hath no fury like…not necessarily a woman scorned, but perhaps one who feels threatened in love. I feel like I’d be safer not challenging her edict and by finding a new night spot altogether. Now I’m looking for another “buddy” to pair up with at night who can keep the crackheads and pimps away and watch out for any rent a cops, Keystone Kops, or anyone else with delusions of grandeur and authority. It really sucks out here, I’m not going to lie.

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