You Say the World is Getting Rid of Her Demons

You say the world is getting rid of her demons
I said, Baby, what have you been smoking?

-Tori Amos “Upside Down”

Sooooo many demons been coming at me, y’all! Nothing is new there – only since the “veil” has lifted have I been so aware of it.

Even people that profess Christianity, like Irene, have had demons come at me (you read my other blog entries about how she bore false witness against me, and started freaking out at me for eating whole, not half donuts, right?)

About two weeks ago, right before ignoring Irene again in church, yet another person told me about Irene’s lie. It was, as he said, very colorful and detailed, and he heard it “right out her mouth”. She said that I had been sleeping next to her on the bench, as always, and suddenly she had felt my hand start to go up her dress. She then (according to this story that she’s taken on the road), grabbed my hand so hard that she “almost broke the hand”, and said sternly, in her Bahamian accent: “What are you doing?”

Meanwhile, you read about what the falling out was truly about, right? Ok. I had resolved to confront her on the free bus in front of lots of people, or at least make an announcement about what had really happened publicly, in her presence. However, she made herself scarce last week and didn’t even take any of the bus rides I did. Hurricane Ian was last week (thank God it affected this area minimally and just basically cancelled a day of food outreach and library programs, plus I had to change where I usually sleep, an open air but partially covered bus stop, to a covered abandoned storefront next to the local Publix. That kind of sucked, because there were lots of crackheads and drunks there all thrown together, but thankfully it was only for one or two nights.) I didn’t get to do the public service announcement I’d hoped to, but I was able to go from person to person to set the story straight (no pun intended, ha ha). (Not really my style, but better than nothing. No worse than the manner in which she’d tried to besmirch my reputation, at any rate.) The kicker was, and I think the piece she really wouldn’t have wanted to come out, was the truth about her feelings about George, and the fact that she was afraid I was going to try to take him from her or something, which also begs the question of, Are they actually dating? Does he consider her a girlfriend? To which everyone around here was like, oh wow, they’re not dating, etcetera, etcetera….so she’d have done well not to mess with my reputation and make up such a boldfaced lie about me.

Okay so…flash forward. Autumn, the crack-addicted homeless woman who turns tricks I wrote about in mid August has actually chilled out towards me, and I don’t see her as much. Plus, she is also now pregnant, which may have mellowed her out. However, nature abhors a vacuum, doesn’t it?

Enter Sunday, another crack-addicted homeless woman, who also turns tricks. Her voice is gravelly and she sounds like something from The Exorcist. Lately she’s taken to calling me a bitch, telling me to back off when we are both on line for something (usually some kind of free bagged dinner somewhere), and warning me not to even think about getting off the bus before her, etcetera. Mind you, I have never actually spoken to Sunday, much less ever done anything to her.

Last week at the bus station she warned me that she “knows where I sleep” and that she would kill me. She told me to leave her neighborhood. I told her that it was my neighborhood, and that I was protected by forces that she wasn’t prepared to deal with. Fortunately, right after this encounter, a man that I’ll call Bramford came onto the bus, sat down next to me, and proceeded to ROAST Sunday in the most raw, embarrassing, no-holds-barred way. I don’t think he realized she had just threatened my life, but it was really good timing, for me anyway.

Today I had the misfortune to sit in front of her again on the free bus (it was one of the only open seats left) and she started again calling me a bitch, etcetera, etcetera…then actually told me again, in front of a full bus: “I know where you sleep. I’m going to kill you, you should be scared. It’s nothing to get a match and gasoline. You should be scared, bitch.” I reiterated the same sentiments I’d told her last week, adding talk like “Get behind me Satan, I bind all demonic spirits and demons and cast you back to hell”, etcetera. She didn’t like that. I told her that I was protected by forces that she wasn’t prepared to deal with. She exploded on me, “Don’t even talk to me, bitch!” “You’re talking to me! Don’t even talk to me!” I clapped back. I told her to go fawk herself (then I apologized to Spence, our Christian-music playing driver, for my language). Lastly, I told her that she has absolutely nothing that I want, so she should not consider me a threat to her whatsoever.

My point is that these demons are all over the place lately. I guess they always were! I just recognize it now. I’m not saying that I think I’m inherently better than these women, nor is my background squeaky clean. However, I read lately that we are not battling the people themselves, but the demons that are in them. It’s obviously so true. Plus now I’m no Bible thumper or anything, but I’ve definitely been praying more and trying to walk uprightly in the world – you know, putting on the full armor of Christ and all of that. I don’t care how lame that sounds to anyone, it’s true. I know how many people wanted me dead, and probably still do, and I want to stay alive. Plus even more importantly, I don’t want to fall victim to the wiles of Satan and all his minions again – like I did when my “family” (extended relatives) and “friends” (fake friends working for them) tried to get me addicted to drugs, strung out, unaware of what was really going on with my parents and in my own life, and later convincing me (for a time, anyway) that my parents and uncle had actually died from natural causes from the years of 2010-2018. Thank God I had eyes to see, He awakened my pineal gland, and I saw their natures for what they really were. It was just in the nick of time. I’d rather keep my soul and not be all screwed. God’s mercies are new every morning, true, but there are so many pragmatic advantages to living righteously, or at least striving to (no one’s perfect).

Here is a YouTube video that I saw that pretty much makes me realize the true nature of the spiritual world that we’re living in:

courtesy of MarcTheMessenger via YouTube

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