The Gina Grasso Blair Witch Project

Revelation of Method: Luciferian cabalists must reveal their plans in advance.

I’m not sure exactly when or how my mother met Gina Grasso Blair, our housekeeper of over twenty years. I think I had asked my mother once and she may have told me that she had met her through Eugene. If that is true, it figures.

Gina had become a trusted family friend. Since she had won over my mother, I treated her like a sister.

Over the years, my parents had paid her and her (then) husband Kevin to help me move apartments, painting, redecorating, and such. They gave them and their son gifts for holidays and birthdays.

Yes, Gina was front and center in the planning and execution of my mother. Love of money will make people do anything, apparently. Now I realize she was likely in some kind of Satanic cult. For lack of a better term, she was likely a Satanic witch, una bruja…the whole time.

I first met her on one of my returns home from college. I was probably twenty years old. I remember thinking that she looked like a guidette. Other than that, she seemed nice enough.

When they were staging my mother’s murder in January of 2018, Eugene wanted me to allow Candice and Jacqueline into my mother’s hospital room. (Everyone was telling me that my mother was so sick, dying – I had to prepare myself, her death was inevitable.) I was staunchly against this. Through the years, my mother often asked me not to have them or her sister present at either her death or at her wake (at least I was able to uphold the former request). Though my mother had had no idea of the extent of their treachery, she remembered how horribly they’d behaved at her father’s wake, shallowly criticizing our Poppa’s tie/suit color, and making other insensitive, inappropriate remarks.

Well, who did I want with me, he’d asked me. Anyone else? Gina, I’d said. He seemed satisfied by this choice.

Gina came by with her brother and they acted appropriately solemn and supportive of me.

Later, at my mother’s wake, Gina handed me a polished rock with “Friend” etched into it. She asked me if she could place it in her coffin. I stupidly (ignorantly) agreed.

A year later, when I realized the role that she had played, I Facebook messenged her and told her that I realized what she had done, and one day would place a rock in her coffin. Then, the DARPA/CIA Facebook monitors made her unavailable to me. They did the same with other complicit participants (namely Christina Menos, for one) lest they further implicate themselves in our electronic communications.

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