A Certain Family

We’d LOVE to get the photos from Junior Prom back! The Nazis in my family and their Club of Rome associates have taken all of my photo albums (the ones filled with photos taken and compiled by Yours Truly), but they’re extensively filled with fantastic pictures of us all, including many of the “friends” that have decided to fook with us over the years – from grammar and high school, and then during college.) For some reason, they only left the photos that contained revelations of their misdeeds as they’d chronicled them – not that they’re insignificant, but we are left wondering why they took away our photos, containing many photos of these “friends”. These albums were compiled by our mother Bernadette and Yours Truly.

My old schoolmate has brothers, but I was never introduced to them. I imagine they definitely know of me, though. In fact, I’m almost positive that they’ve been front and center, following my family, and my life, since the days of my youth.

When we were in grammar school, she’d invited me over once (I was so excited, since she was in the “popular” group and I wasn’t) and her mother treated me like trash. (You may forget exactly what a person said or did, but you will never forget the way that they made you feel. That is true in this case.)

Her mother treated me like she was a racist white person and I was a black kid from the projects or something. At least that was the way that it felt like to me. It was pretty foreign to me. I didn’t understand it. For the most part, until that time, if parents or people held me in contempt, they’d kept it hidden from me.

Chuck Schumer later gave me a similar look at a Sweet Sixteen party I went to. The look was one of pure and utter contempt – like I was trash underneath his shoe.

Now, I realize that this family is likely in the Club of Rome. Definitely Jesuit sympathetic, if not Jesuits themselves. I imagine that many of my old “friends” from my grammar school were as well.

(Palm Aire, Pompano Beach – where I’d stayed during the summer of 2018 with a woman named Andi Khaleel.)

In 2018, the summer after my mother’s murder, my uncle Eugene arranged to have me stay with a woman named Andi Khaleel (ostensibly I found her on Craigslist, but you know how these hackers operate – how convenient that she had shown up at that time.) Anyway, during that time, I was kind of lost – grieving my mom extensively, and whatnot. I was not careful about who I was spending time with, and ended up in a lot of questionable situations, in which I was targeted, exploited, and abused in quite a few.

I was really lost in my own grief during this time, and had a fatalistic “Who cares what I do” attitude about my life, but what I didn’t yet realize was that Eugene, Elaine, the Daguannos, Maiuris, Shines, and my father’s surviving brothers and sister, as well as my cousins, were also involved in this Jesuit plot. All of them, and then some, were keeping very close tabs on me and were well aware of what was going on in my life. (As a side note, what sellouts are my Aunt Katie and my Uncle Vic and Paul, right? As well as her sons. We are like, all of that same bloodline of which Jesuits so abhor. I guess they figured when in Rome….sell your least favorite brother and his family into indentured servitude, hahaha.)

I remember being in Andi Khaleel’s apartment in Palm Aire, Pompano Beach, and posting on social media. I’d posted an old childhood photo of me for some Throwback Thursday post and suddenly, all of my former classmates and their brothers were commenting on my page and friend requesting me on Facebook.

This particular friend (whose family inspired this post) was like “There she is!” underneath the photo I’d posted. The tone, I now realize, was mocking. These people were obviously privy to the fact that I was targeted and I was clueless about it, and they were making a mockery of me.

Now that they know that I know, suddenly they don’t want anything to do with me. Not surprising.

My old schoolmate had ended up going to Fordham University (yet another Jesuit institution) where I was also accepted, but since I didn’t get a scholarship there, my parents didn’t want to spring for the tuition or do anything to try to swing it (they were pragmatic – it wasn’t exactly an Ivy League or anything.)

Interestingly, I should have received a scholarship there because my father had graduated from there, but I guess it would have ruined their plans to keep watch over me at Stony Brook, where they were likely already assembling children from Nazi and Club of Rome families to play the parts of my “friends”.

David Chase (deCesare) fortunately also included a revelation of it in “The Sopranos”. We’re not going to spell it out, because you know who they are, we know who they are, and now everybody knows that they know that we know.

Now we understand why her mother gave us such a contemptible look that day.

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