Phil’s Heavenly Pizza of Pompano Beach

I’ve been meaning to write about this place for awhile: Phil’s Heavenly Pizza of Pompano Beach.

It’s kind of a weird premise: This is a pizzeria not too far from the beach, where, if you are homeless, they serve free slices of pizza at 9am on weekdays. They have “Bible study classes” at 10 am certain days and, give out free Bibles and talk about different Bible passages during those times.

When I first became homeless due to the Nazis and Club of Rome, back in July 2022, I found myself on the street (very first night was July 31, 2022, when the racketeers at Pompano Beach Hilton at Hampton Inn had taken all but the very last of my cash on hand. Someone told me about Phil’s Heavenly Pizza, and their free pizza for the homeless.

It was a Friday night one night in August, before I had gotten dialed in to the food kitchen and free bus resources in the community, and I was freaking starving. Like, I was really hungry.

I walked into Phil’s Heavenly Pizza. Inside was an attractive young woman with curly hair.

“I heard you give out free pizza for the homeless?” I inquired, humbling myself.

“Yes,” she’d replied, “Come back on Monday at 9am!” she responded.

But bitch, I’m hungry now, I felt like saying.

Since then, I was reluctant to go there. I felt like the whole thing was a huge hustle, an attempt to pawn themselves off as a 501c3 or whatever it’s called, quasi-religious “organization” for a tax write off.

Then came Hurricane Ian, and for the first time, the food kitchen shut down. I wasn’t too proud to get a couple of slices then.

(Hey, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, you know? Maybe the social sciences are rackets by the Jews, maybe not – but this theory definitely holds water for me. Check it out, if you’re not already familiar with it.)

The guys giving out the slices seemed nice enough. Perhaps, I’d thought, I was too harsh with my initial assessment. Yes, I’m sure they wouldn’t balk at a big tax write off, or government check, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t basically good people trying to make a difference, I’d reasoned.

Fast forward to December, 2022. Not much has changed, I’m still homeless. We had a cold snap. It was the day after Saturnalia Christmas, and I knew where to go for free pizza. (Hey, the pizza sucks, but the price is right! Ha ha.) Once again, the guys handing out the slices seemed very nice.

Today I stopped in again, maybe the third or fourth time this month. I had a couple of slices (I like to eat them right there, at the table out front, so that they stay hot as I eat them). I was just about finishing up when the same girl from back in August came outside, handing out pizza to the later homeless arrivals. She saw me eating and said, “Oh, I didn’t realize you already got, but you have to take it with you. ” Clearly, she, and the others there, don’t want to go so far in helping the homeless that the place gets to be known as a homeless hangout – jeopardizing its reputation for the clientele they really care about.

Personally, I’m tired of these corporate hucksters that work in tandem with Nazis and loot and steal from families like mine, then try to serve us back crumbs from our own tables as charity. I know I’m not the only one.

So yeah, I’m back to my initial assessment – this place doesn’t give a shit about the homeless. It’s all about the Benjamins for them.

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