
Tag Archives: trolling

Since yesterday, I was gang stalked (again!) by three delightful (Jesuit-sympathetic? Probably) individuals, two men and one woman, at the bus stop.

I’m not proud to admit that when these kinds of scenes occur, I do not always keep a “high vibration” and have been known to stoop to the level of the perpetrators, at least insofar as speech and gestures are concerned. On the other hand, my father would probably have been proud of me. Sometimes, you must talk to people in the language that they understand.

My poor mother would have had a heart attack if she’d heard some of the things that I say at times, (and definitely would have had she been privy to some of the things I’ve written!) Anyway. Fortunately the event was short lived, but I can now recognize some of the hallmarks: They’re put together like little plays, little skits, little sketches. I am to be the main actor in the skit (previously unbeknownst to me), and they’re designed to bust my chops, lower my vibration, and basically serve as some kind of an emotional outlet for a whack ass crew that is, apparently, still obsessed by me.

Oh, so the reason for this AM’s blog post: It has come to my attention that the dark forces (CIA? Club of Rome? Rando Jesuit crews?) have done the same thing to my shopping cart (the one I wrote about extensively yesterday) that they did to my cars – specifically, my ’05 Nissan Altima, and my father’s heart – they’ve rigged them to be remote controlled. The front wheels started seizing up on the cart this morning – the same way they do if you’re actively trying to remove it from the store’s premises – you know, how they warn you extensively about this, etc. This was the first time this had actually happened to me with the cart. I was nowhere near the Walmart where it was likely procured.

It also shed additional light on the person who found this specific cart for me (Bramford). In tandem with his Loyola sweatshirt, broken promises, and narcissistic hissy fits of late, it kind of just confirmed what I’d already known to be true.

Whatever the setting, they gather a little theater troupe to trail, troll, and control me. Same playbook, different setting.